They went around the users, sold the administrators on a far less expensive solutions and successfully displaced Apple. Ironically this was very similar to how Microsoft eventually was able to replace Apple in most schools in the late 90s.
#Windows vs mac os 2018 windows
They did this by first capturing Microsoft’s OEMs, who had become disenchanted with the company during the Steve Ballmer years (and particularly with Windows Vista and Windows 8) and then giving aggressively priced Windows solutions to education. Given Windows is still the most common education platform now, it is Microsoft’s segment to lose but Google has been doing an impressive job penetrating the segment. This is one of the reasons Samsung ads take shots at iPhones so aggressively, it is the same thing Steve Jobs did to Microsoft in the 1990s, both firms needed to get people using the competing platforms to see, and get upset, about the platform’s flaws so they would at least consider a non-Apple offering.Īs the entrenched vendor you just must keep your customers and channel content enough, so they are not motivated to go through the effort to displace you.
#Windows vs mac os 2018 android
Even though Apple is crippling them ( slowing processors, disabling features in modems), and even though Android is almost a direct copy, migrations from iPhone to Android are still mostly noise. Look at how well Apple is holding on to iPhone users, even though the phones are significantly more expensive than competing products. To keep those customers all that is needed is to prevent clones (like Windows and Android) and keep customers happy. This means that once a platform is dominant, and the related skills learned, like Apple was with the iPod and Microsoft was with PCs, customers will favor that method. This is one of the reasons we still have keyboards which were designed to keep the keys in typewriters from fouling rather than far more efficient alternatives.

People really, really do not like to retrain. Let us talk about this fight this week and extend into the future of technology in education.
#Windows vs mac os 2018 windows 10
Their latest announcement of 10 products that use Windows 10 S targeting education priced under $300 suggests Microsoft is ramping up their defense. To a considerable extent, Windows 10 S is Microsoft’s latest and best attempt to stop any bleeding. More recently, Google’s Chrome has been making impressive inroads into the segment over the last 5 years. Apple was initially one of the most aggressive in education but Microsoft displaced them over the last two decades. The rarer your skill set the more likely it is the company will accept and embrace your platform choice. People prefer what they have learned on and firms wishing to employ them find that not having their system of choice reduces significantly that firm’s choice of top talent. This is a fascinating fight largely because the Education market, while not lucrative by any stretch of the imagination, is critical to assuring the future for any operating system.